Sunday, April 25, 2010

9 months old

Paul's nine month checkup and other updates:
Height: 29 1/2 inches (75th %)
Weight: 16.4 lbs (zeroth %)
He was in the 10th percentile at his 6 month. He eats a lot so we thought it would go up. He is definitely tall and skinny. It's hard finding pants that don't fall off of him. :)
His first tooth came through this last Thursday!

New skills:
He likes to play catch with Daddy. We think he's a lefty!
Sleeping in his own bed all night long :) He still wakes up more than I would like, but it's getting better.
He is a pro at crawling, climbing, standing up, and getting into everything. He hasn't walked yet because he can't stay still long enough to stand on his own.

Paul reading his book from Auntie Melanie :)

Another day at the office:)

The only happy picture I got of him in this. He finds it too limiting.

My mom came to visit a few weeks ago. Here is Paul helping fold clothes.

Happy to see Daddy!

Bath time:) He is too long for this tub now. He is growing up so fast.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Well, its been quite some time since our last blog post. We have just been super busy with school we haven't had much time. But we'll be finishing the winter semester in the next 2 weeks.

As of his last doctor's appointment, Paul is in the 10th percentile for weight and the 75th for height. He's crawling all around the house getting into all kinds of mischief. He's been getting lots of bumps on the head from pulling himself up onto his feet and trying to walk. He loves to play the piano, too! Here are some pictures from the last few months.

So skinny he crawled right out of his pants!

Here's some news stories we've been following:

Black Tea Partier Refutes Racism Charges

State of Utah Seizes Federal Land

BBC News - Today - Lovelock: 'We can't save the planet'
(several short videos on this page. Be sure to scroll down to see them all) - Caterpillar executive responds to criticism from Washington